New Life News
Dear Congregation
There is a notable staffing change at New Life Church that we would like to share with you. Effective in September, 2018 Pastor Koen Beugelink will be shifting his duties at New Life Church to fifty percent (50%). This will allow him at that time to begin a half time role at Abbotsford Christian Secondary School as Director of Faith Formation.
After 15 years of full time faithful service, Pastor Koen’s transition will be a significant adjustment for both he and us. We are grateful; however, that Pastor Koen will remain in leadership as a pastor at New Life Church, involved specifically in Switchlife (Youth) ministries. In the following months we will be deciding how to staff other areas of ministry in which Koen has been involved.
Pastor Koen and his family remain passionate about the New Life community and will continue to be vital members of New Life Church. We are grateful for Koen’s tremendous ministry, and his desire to remain part of the New Life staff team. Together, we are confident that this change will be an exciting opportunity for Pastor Koen, a challenging new direction for New Life, and a fruitful development for the larger Christian community.
Serving Christ together,
Pastor Nathan
Hello New Life – here it is!! Our second annual Chilli cook-off. This is part of our yearly ‘volunteer appreciation” celebration. If you would like to enter the chilli contest, please go to the attached link, fill out the NLV form, and begin perfecting your recipe. It’s going to be fun folks … save the date!!
To Our New Life Family
For the past many years, New Life has had the privilege of reaching out to our community each summer with a VBS kids program. You might recognize these outreaches by familiar names such as, “Mega Sports Camp,” or “Athletes In Action Summer Camp.” Over the years, the lives of hundreds of kids have been touched by these programs. We look forward to running these outreaches each summer, we believe strongly in them, and they are the focus of much of our creative energy throughout the year.
One key factor in making this life changing week available to our community has been the Canada Summer Jobs program. This is a program run by our Canadian Federal Government that gives grants to organizations wishing to hire students over the summer months. These students typically work for New Life starting in June, and then continue their employment through the rest of the summer. For New Life, the hiring of summer interns has become a critical and timely component to our summer outreaches.
As many of you might be aware, this past year, our Federal Government made some drastic changes to the approval process for the Canada Summer Jobs program. In short, they denied all applications that didn’t attest to supporting abortions – amongst several other important moral issues. New Life has made application this year but we have been denied approval for any summer student funding. We are not alone in being denied in this process. Over 1500 churches and religious organizations nationwide are in the same situation this year because of these changes.
This summer, we have an amazing plan for an outreach within our city and in city parks. All of the pieces of the puzzle are coming together, we are excited, and we are already on our knees praying. However, we have been left without critical funding due to the circumstances explained above. Without our summer interns, it will be very difficult to move ahead with our plan. The Canada Summer Jobs program usually funds us to the amount of $10,000 which is enough for two summer students. The good news is, we have applied for an alternate grant and have been approved for $2000. This leaves us short approximately $8,000.
We are putting this need in front the New Life family, knowing that God accomplishes His purposes through His people. This Sunday, May 6, we are asking you to prayerfully consider giving an extra, one-time gift above your regular giving towards our summer outreach. We are fully convinced that as a church, we are called to reach out to our city parks and streets in this way. We thank you in advance for your generosity.
For Christ and His Church,
Mike VanderKwaak
Executive Pastor, New Life Church
Creating an Environment of Hospitality
This coming Easter is Invite Sunday! We are praying for you as you consider inviting your friends and family members to New Life for the Easter Service on April 1st. We are hoping and praying that people who are looking for God, a connection with His people, or someone seeking help or support will be invited to New Life.
Our hospitality reflects the hospitality of God who embraces all people with love and grace. Here are ten simple things we all can do to show hospitality on a Sunday Morning.
1) BE WILLING TO WALK Too often guests end up having to park in the back of the parking lot because the closer spots are long gone. Take the parking spaces near the back and leave the best parking spots for others. Don’t forget your umbrella.
2) LOOK FOR THE “LOST” LOOK If someone looks like they don’t know where to go, then they probably don’t. Step out of your comfort zone and ask if you can help. As an added challenge, don’t just tell them where to go, show them!
3) SHOW GUESTS AROUND If you are bringing a guest or see a guest help them find their way in the building. If they have children, help them through the check-in process and show them where the children go.
4) BRING YOUR SMILE A smile may be all a person needs to feel welcome. Guests feel more at ease when they see smiling people.
5) MOVE TO THE MIDDLE Move to the middle of your row so guest don’t have to walk over you. Trying to find a seat is part of what is awkward for newcomers – it’s hard enough to come in and just sit down! Your new spot will be terrific too.
6) MAKE THE FIRST MOVE Guests may be overwhelmed by the newness of their experience. Trying engaging them in conversation, ask them about their family, their occupation, and what they do for fun.
7) REMEMBER THEIR NAME Everyone likes to hear their name. Imagine visiting a church and on the second visit, someone you meet the week before calls you by your name? You would feel noticed, remembered and welcome!
8) HELP THEM FILL IT IN We will invite guests to fill in a communication card during the service so that we can follow up with a personal welcome and a “thank-you for coming.”
9) THINK THREE Challenge yourself to talk only to those you don’t know for the first three minutes after the service – that is as long it takes for guests to leave after church. We want to let them know they are noticed and welcome!
10) INVITE THEM BACK When saying goodbye to a guest, it’s a simple thing to say, “Thank-you for being here. We’d love to have you come again!” Many people are looking for a place to belong. Let’s make New Life that place!
New Life Ministry Plan Update
The Board of Elders has been meeting over the past few months to develop a future ministry plan for New Life. It has been a busy time for the Board, but we would also testify to the blessing of coming together to pray, discern, discuss, plan and become excited about where God will lead New Life through this process.
June 2017
- The Board hired Dave Blundell, ED of Hungry for Life to facilitate the Ministry Planning process
- Board Retreat – Dave Blundell led the board through a process of reviewing our mission/vision statement, our core values and our strengths/weaknesses as a church. We also made plans for the congregation to participate through focus groups
September – October 2017
- The congregation was invited to participate in focus groups that were held over three evenings in order to gather input around our three vision statements: A Changed Life, A Diverse Community, A Radical Impact.
December 2017
- Dave presented the summary of the feedback from the focus groups to the Board of Elders
December 2017
- The focus group summary and next steps were presented to the congregation at New Life Live
January – March 2018
- The board and staff have met numerous times to develop a draft plan. There is a sense that the board and staff want to continue forward movement but not to fast and compromise prayer, discernment and wisdom.
- Nathan O’Hare, one of the facilitators of the focus groups who works with Dave Blundell has helped to facilitate our planning meetings and guide our process.
We aren’t finished yet. We’ve made great progress, but also have come to realize this is a big undertaking and want to do it well.
We will have something to present at our June meeting. Our hope is that a draft of the plan will be complete, however if we find that our timeline is a challenge, we will continue to complete the finer details of the plan into the fall of 2018.
Together as a congregation, board and staff we have invested in this planning process and we ask that you continue to pray for the board and staff as we formalize the plan.
We would be happy to hear from you. If you have further questions about the plan feel free to ask a Board member, or contact Pastor Mike ( or Pastor Nathan (
The Easter season is fast approaching. We are anticipating an awesome time as we prepare to celebrate our risen Saviour. There will be two services. The first one will be on March 30th, Good Friday, at 10:00 AM. This will be a shared, multicultural service with New Life, New Life Korean, and Zion Chinese CRC. Then, the second service will be on Easter Sunday which is on April 1st this year (no, that is not a joke)! However, here at New Life, Easter Sunday is also “Invite Sunday.”
During the weeks leading up to Easter, we are taking about the value that we as a community share for “nurturing relationships for gospel encounters.” God has put relationships in each of our lives with people who desperately need to hear the good news that this season brings. This week, we would like to take the opportunity to share a few practical tips for connecting with those unchurched people that God has put in our lives:
- Use the giftings that God has given you. If you have the gift of hospitality, take a plate of cookies over to a neighbor or invite someone over for coffee.
- Take the opportunity to do random acts of kindness for people and then let the Holy Spirit lead in the conversations that follow.
- Pray that God will give you opportunities to have conversations with people at work or in other places of connection. The Holy Spirit is very faithful to lead in these situations. Often times a unique question will be asked or a comment will be made that can lead conversations in spiritual directions.
- Look for Holy Spirit led moments wherever you go. Let the compassion you have for others spill out into your world. Look for people who need a touch of healing or who are in distress. Then offer to pray for them. Jesus is at His best when you are reaching out to those that He loves.
In all of these situations, there is one thing to keep in mind: be yourself. Don’t try to conjure up things, led Jesus lead you. You are the only person who can carry His heart for your world. Let His heart lead you as you release His love into the world in which you have influence.
The Easter season is fast approaching. We are anticipating an awesome time as we prepare to celebrate our risen Saviour. There will be two services. The first one will be on March 30th, Good Friday, at 10:00 AM. This will be a shared, multicultural service with New Life, New Life Korean, and Zion Chinese CRC. Then, the second service will be on Easter Sunday which is on April 1st this year (no, that is not a joke)! However, here at New Life, Easter Sunday is also “Invite Sunday.” Over the next few weeks we will be taking about the value that we as a community share for “nurturing relationships for gospel encounters.” God has put relationships in each of our lives with people who desperately need to hear the good news that this season brings. This week, be in prayer over who the Holy Spirit might be prompting you to invite to church on Easter Sunday!
I recently had the opportunity to sit down with Stu and Elsie Bakker. I was excited to find out more about these two, they have been a part of New Life from almost the beginning. Stu is also on the current Board of Elders. Since we have been in a series on stewardship, I had some questions to ask him about how our finances are handled here at the church. In the end, I came away with a huge appreciation for Stu and Elsie. They carry such a spirit of integrity and honesty. I hope you enjoy reading about them as much as I did interviewing them.
So give us a brief overview of your life. Where did you grow up? How did you meet?
Stu – Well, I was born in Holland, but we immigrated to Canada when I was only two years old. After that, our family settled in Rolleyview, Alberta until I was in grade eight. Then we moved to Edmonton. I graduated in 1967, Canada’s centennial year. After graduation, I worked a year for the provincial government in Edmonton then attended Dordt College in Sioux Center, Iowa where I met Elsie.
Elsie – I was born and raised in Lynden, WA. After I graduated from high school, I also went to Dordt. In fact, all four of our children attended Dordt College. I crammed a year of technical school office training into less than 3 months so I could emigrate to Canada, get engaged and then married to Stu.
Where has your path taken you since you have been married, what towns have you lived in, how many children do you have, where do they live.
Stu – We were married in 1971, and I was employed by CIBC. I worked in various branches in Edmonton, Mission, then up to Dawson Creek, Nelson, Salmo, downtown Vancouver, New Westminster, and Chilliwack. In 1986 we came to New Life Church. I was on the first council.
Elsie – We have four children. Shawn lives in Edmonton and they have 4 children. Seth is in Aldergrove and they have 5. Krisha lives in Nampa, Idaho and they have 4 children. Erin is in Chippewa Falls, Wisconsin and they have 2 children. That is 15 grandchildren in total!
What career paths have you both followed over the years?
Stu – Like I mentioned, I worked for CIBC and retired from them at age 53. Then, a couple of years later I took a job with Farm Credit Canada and until I retired again at age 60.
Elsie – I was mostly a stay-at-home mom. However, I worked several years as administrative assistant for the office manager at McCoy Brothers in Edmonton and also at a bank in Dawson Creek for one year. In 1990, I started working casual at New Life Church. I have been here on and off with New Life ever since.
What is the greatest joy in your personal lives?
Stu – That Jesus died for me, His gift of life, and the fact that He loves me.
Elsie –The fact that the Lord is my Savior. And without doubt our family: that our kids all profess to love Jesus, and are teaching the love of God to our grandkids.
What are your greatest struggles, things that make you sad when you see them?
Stu – I am sad when I see people who have no hope and don’t know the Lord.
Elsie – It makes me sad to see people who haven’t known the love of a family or the Lord.
Stu, you have had some health struggles in the past couple of years, tell us how you are coping and how you are currently feeling?
Stu – I am thankful every day. I have no anxiety. God has filled me with peace from day 1, even when I couldn’t move. I am not as mobile as I used to be, but I still am able to enjoy His grace every day.
You are on the New Life Board of Elders, tell us a few things that our BOE does to make sure New Life’s finances are stewarded well.
Stu – We have a lot of safeguards in place to maintain our financial integrity. First, not one person can make a financial decision. We have a finance committee, administered by our executive pastor and Noeline. Our finance committee meets regularly to review and maintain our budget. We then empower other committees such as our deacons to disburse funds raised benevolently, and our missions team to distribute our mission’s funds.
Tell us some of your personal Stu and Elsie rules when it comes to stewardship. How do you prioritize what you have been given? Are there things that are non-negotiable as far as finances?
Stu – All our married lives, we have always had joint accounts. Any big purchases are always discussed and always done in agreement. However, from the beginning, the non-negotiable really has been the tithe.
Elsie – There was one point in time when money was really tight. I suggested that we give only 5% rather than 10% but Stu insisted we keep tithing. He would take his pay stub, turn it over, and on the back, start deducting our expenses. The first deduction was ALWAYS the tithe. But, you know, God took care of us. He would give us amazing deals on things, like a wringer washer from an auction that lasted for years. One time, extra work came in for an extra $8.00 a month. In all the moving around we have done, God has always been faithful.
What are your hobbies?
Stu – Well, golfing was my main hobby, but I am not mobile enough to play right now. In a strange way, I don’t miss the sport but I do miss the camaraderie. Now, I do more reading, and I love to watch sports on TV.
Elsie – I love cross-stitching and gardening as well as reading.
Tell us about your relationship with God, what is it like? From your personal experience, if you could suggest one thing to another person when it comes to the pursuit of God, what would it be?
Stu – Trust and obey, for there’s no other way, to be happy in Jesus. Today, we try to place our trust in so many other things, but Elsie and I have trusted God every day with our lives. There is a prayer that we prayed every day when we lived in Nelson:
May the God of steadfastness and encouragement grant us to live in such harmony with one another that together we may with one voce glorify the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ. We are no longer our own, but Yours. Put us to what you will. Rank us with who You will. Put us to doing, put us to suffering. Let us be employed for You or laid aside for You; exalted for You or brought low for You. Let us be full, let us be empty. Let us have all things, let us have nothing. We freely and heartily yield all things to Your pleasure and disposal. Fill us with Your Spirit, Amen.
Elsie – I actually think that God has been pursuing us. He jumps in front of us and surprises us. I also suggest bringing God into our lives by giving constant thanks to Him throughout the day, for anything and everything, little and big.
Hello everyone. Listed above are all of our New Life advent services and times. Please note that December 24th (Christmas Eve day) and December 31st (New Years Eve day) are both Sundays this year. For this reason, the services on these days are at 10:00 AM. December 24th will feature a presentation called “What Child is This?” along with our regular candle light tradition. It is also “Invite Sunday” so please consider bringing someone to church on that day. Have a wonder and joy-filled season!!