Cadets Boys Club
Cadets is a boys club for boys in grades 3-7 that meets every other Tuesday evening. Cadets is a program designed to challenge boys to grow relationally, spiritually, and physically.

At Cadets, leaders who have a heart for training up young men lead the boys in an opening session, a small group Bible lesson, and then work alongside the boys on skill based badges. Cadets regularly go on outings together including wiener roasts, floor hockey games, corn maze, bowling and an annual camping trip.
Cadets meet at New Life Church at 6:30pm every other Tuesday evening from October – April. The cadets registration is usually available in September. If you would like to register your son for this cadet program, email the church to see if space is available.
Cadet Ministry Partnerships
Compassion International
Our Cadets program supports a boy named Waliber living in the Dominican republic through Compassion International. Waliber lives with his family and attends the Compassion Program before and after school. At the program he receives medical care, school tutoring, bible classes, health care education and nutritious food. We are excited to get to know him better through letter writing and pray for him.
For more information about registering for New Life’s Cadet ministry
or if you would like to serve as a counsellor, please contact the church office.