New Life News

Our Response to COVID-19 Update

In a time like this, especially with the realization that the Covid-19 reality may last for some time I want to urge you to keep on keeping on.  Here are some “keeps” to keep in mind:

Keep faith — this includes gathering for worship with our online services (see our website), but it also includes maintaining or starting ways to stay spiritually healthy (the spiritual disciplines we have been talking about in our current message series). 

Keep your schedule – so many things are up in the air, or discontinued, and your own daily routines are probably quite different; try to keep a schedule, including bedtimes, wake times, meal times; and don’t overdue your screen time, stay creative with your activities.

Keep your distance – please observe all public health recommendations; that’s part of loving your neighbour!  There are no physical gatherings at New Life Church, the facility is essentially closed to the public.

Keep praying – we have initiated a virtual prayer wall on the New Life App (go to the menu at the bottom of the screen), we’ll keep reminding you to be in prayer and we’ll keep praying for you and your loved ones, just send us your prayer requests. 

Keep reaching out – we have to stay connected by whatever means; we have redesigned our website for this purpose, check it out; the deacons are ready to help if you need any kind of physical or financial assistance; the elders of the church are making contact with members in the congregation just to reach out, enjoy the conversation when they call; and make sure that your Life Group stays in touch with each other.

Our Response to COVID-19 – UPDATE

Here at New Life we remain diligent in following guidelines and stipulations for dealing with the outbreak of the novel virus. At this point the church remains open, though we have cancelled all gatherings and meetings at church for the rest of the month. Some of the staff are working at the church. Because of recent travels Pastor Nathan will remain in isolation until March 31, as will Pastor Mike. Pastor Koen will remain in isolation until April 2. All staff are healthy at this point and are eager to stay in contact with you and assist where ever it is needed.  Thanks to everyone for their cooperation and patience, please continue to exercise social distancing and hand washing. Keep encouraging each other and helping each other. There are opportunities for community engagement. The Abbotsford Food Bank is in need of volunteers to help with food distribution. The New Life deacons have initiated a donation from our Benevolence fund for the Food Bank. The staff and worship teams are working hard to produce a weekly virtual worship service. We also keep working at developing our online format to be engaging for everyone. I want to encourage you to continue to participate in these services, even though it might at times seem inadequate or awkward. Don’t give up worshipping together, even if we can’t physically meet together.

Ephesians 3
“Now to him who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine, according to his power that is at work within us, to him be glory in the church and in Christ Jesus throughout all generations, for ever and ever! Amen.”

New Life’s Response to COVID-19

This week the world health organization declared the covid-19 a pandemic and just yesterday the province of BC asks that larger gatherings of people no longer meet.

What that means for us is that we are suspending our Sunday worship services and mid week on campus ministries until further notice.  We want to be a part of flattening the growth of this pandemic.

Our prayer is that you will keep connected one another. We will be changing and adapting as we are called to changed lives, to be a diverse community and to have a radical impact.

This Sunday, March 15 we will have a very timely message that will be available on our website at 10am.  We invite all of the New Life family to gather and hear God’s word for us during this time.

Live stream and discipleship content such as the New Life Link will be available midweek. We continue to encourage our life groups to meet as Christ center communities as you are able.

Thank you for your understanding in this, and let me leave you with a question. What does it look like for us as members of the body of Christ to reflect Jesus in these times? Let’s continue to serve and worship Him.

Psalm 91:1-2 says:

Whoever dwells in the shelter of the Most High
will rest in the shadow of the Almighty.
I will say of the Lord, “He is my refuge and my fortress,
my God, in whom I trust.”

Click here for New Life’s Covid-19 response video. 


We value the time we have on Sunday mornings at 10am to worship Jesus.  It’s an important time for us to connect with one another and experience life change. Due to the recent outbreaks worldwide of the coronavirus we want to be diligent.

We care about the safety and well-being of each person and we are taking appropriate measures to ensure the health and safety of everyone that comes to New Life. We are taking extra precautions so starting this Sunday, things might look a little different.

We are actively monitoring the advisories from the Public Health Agency of Canada (PHAC) as well as the BC Centre for Disease Control.


New Life has made some minor changes to our Sunday worship service for the safety of all.

  1. We are working towards live streaming our services.
  2. We are exercising extra diligence by wiping down and cleaning surfaces regularly.
  3. We will be discontinuing our coffee and tea service until further notice.
  4. Greeters will open doors but will not make physical contact when you enter the building.
  5. Offering basket will not be passed around the church but you will still be able to give in an offering basket that will be placed at the auditorium exits.
  6. No handshakes or hugs will be encouraged during fellowship time.
  7. All sermon audios will be uploaded Monday at 10am for those unable to attend.
  8. We are maintaining inventory of hand sanitizer, toilet paper and soap.

Thank you for your patience and understanding.

Superhero Park Days

Superhero Park Days

Calling all Superheroes, of ALL AGES!

…YEP that includes you who is reading this… don’t look around the room, I am speaking to you! Well now that I have your attention, may I ask “What is your Super Power?” We just finished the sermon series ‘How do I fit’, exploring your spiritual gift (for the purpose of this article) AKA your Super Power!
Have you thought … how can I use my super power to make a Radical Impact in my community?
Well here’s the mission if you choose to accept it…

For the weeks of July 8-12 and August 12-16 from 10am – 1pm you are invited to join us at Mill Lake (Water Park Entrance – Emerson St.) to help support, strengthen and unify the community of Abbotsford.

Last summer our focus for summer outreach was to take church ministry out of the building and meet people in a common community space such as Mill Lake. We recognized when people felt there were no strings attached to neighbourly kindness they were more willing to open up, share life stories, struggles, areas they need support and be prayed with. Through all of this relationships were built. When we contacted the city to run this program again they were very excited to see this positive community outreach happen. We want to live out our mission statement: live a Changed Life, be a part of a Diverse Community and make a Radical Impact

Questions you may have:

Q: I don’t have young children at home. Am I encouraged to participate in this outreach?

A: Yes, everyone is encouraged to come out, have fun and be the good neighbour Jesus has taught us to be. When community children are playing, you are encouraged to join in or engage in conversation with other parents, grandparents or caregivers.

Last year Koen sat down a built a tower of blocks with two twin girls. While they were playing the girls began to open up about the struggles in their home. They told Koen their parents were in the middle of a divorce and they were living with their aunt. Koen was able to encourage and pray for them.

Another child wrote “I am not good” in chalk. One of the families who came out was able to sit with her and build her up. They made her feel important and valued.


Q: I am just a kid, what can I do to impact my community?

A: PLAY… be a friend. It’s easy to make a new friend during summer outreach because we have tons of games like, giant Bowling, giant Connect Four and giant Jenga. Do you get it yet? We are making a giant impact.

You have the ability to change someone’s day by just being kind!


Q: I’m not very good at sharing my faith. How can I be used to help?

A: Sometimes just sitting and having light conversation will allow you the time and a moment to share little bits of your faith. Pray about it, the Lord wants you to be a vessel for His work!


Q: I am gifted in creative ability, how can I serve?

A: We do so much more than just sports. We do colouring, beading and of course face painting. Face painting is a huge hit and we always need more volunteers to help with it.


Q: I am not able to commit to coming every day for the week. Should I still come?

A: Yes, park days run July 8-12 & August 12-16 from 10am – 1pm. Come when and as often as you can. You will be blessed


Q: Can I drop off my kids at Mill Lake Park without adult supervision?

A: No, we will not be responsible for childcare. You are welcome to drop off your kids if you feel they are able to be unsupervised and responsible for themselves.


Q: I enjoy helping, but not one on one. Can I still help?

A: Yes, there is set up/ take down and other logistics. We want you to come serve.

So let’s recap…
You are a superhero called into action to make a Radical Impact on the community around you, by using the strengths and gifts God has equipped you with. We hope you will accept the mission!
For more information contact Cyndi Broersma or New Life Office.

New Life Men’s Conference April 12-14


We are excited to announce the 2019 Men’s Conference at New Life Church. The theme is “In Step With The Spirit” (Galatians 5:25) and Aaron Baart will be back as the conference speaker. The conference will be at New Life Church and will run Friday night and all day Saturday. Aaron will also speak at New Life on Sunday, April 14. Registration will cost $60 and you can register at New Life’s Men’s Conference signup form.

Aaron Baart is coming BACK for this year’s Men’s Conference – IN STEP!! After last year’s life changing retreat we wanted to have Aaron back and we are hosting the event AT New Life Church! We hope to have many men come this year to IN STEP to ask the question what does it mean for us to be IN STEP with the Holy Spirit in our everyday lives.

On Saturday afternoon we have some Men type of events planned.  You can choose between having a BIG equipment experience with a crane and excavator, a hike on one of the local mountains, or some fun and games at the church. You choose your own adventure.  We also will have a conference t-shirt and the food will be terrific – think lots of protein.

The Conference will cost $60 which is much less than last year.  We hope with a bigger venue, lower costs and excellent speaker that you will invite many of your friends to the conference.  If you haven’t signed up yet you can do it here.

Printable Church Directory 2019 – Questions and Answers

Q: How can I request a copy of this year’s Printable Church Directory?
To request a copy of this year’s Printable Church directory please click here: and fill in this form.  When you have completed the form we will print one and put it in your mail slot at New Life.  Thanks!

Q: How important is providing a printed church directory to our members?
A: The church has always provided a printed church directory so that our members can connect in meaningful ways for ministry. The last printed directory we produced was in 2014. That was the same year we began to bring New Life Vine to the congregation. New Life Vine is our new online community and has the directory information and more – we stopped printed the directory then since all the info was within NLV. Some people still like using a printed Church Directory, so we began working to produce again from the information in New Life Vine. Hope you enjoy it!

Q: Why has it taken so long to produce this directory?
A: We produced this directory from the information in New Life Vine. We wanted to make sure that what is shown in the church directory is accurate and it has taken us longer than we expected to produce this. There were some technical challenges we ran into in getting the information from NLV into a nice format. We thank-you for your patience!

Q: What should I do if there is information that is not accurate in the Church Directory?
A: If it is your information, you may log into New Life Vine and update it. The changes will show up when a new directory is released. Or, you can email the church office and let them know and the next time the Church Directory is updated it will include the changes.

Q: Why do people need to fill out a Request Form to receive the directory?
A: We consider people’s personal information to be highly sensitive and private and treat it with utmost care. We want people to know their information is safe and will not be used for anything other than New Life Ministry. Also, privacy laws have tightened over the years and we need to abide by those. And people are much more reluctant (for good reason) to give our their personal information to someone they didn’t intend to.

Q: Why not print one for each member?
A: We will print one for each member that requests a Directory so we don’t waste paper. Many people use New Life Vine – our online community to get the information they need.

Q: What do I do if my personal information is in the church directory and I don’t want it in there?
A: Please email the church office and let them know, we will update the directory with the changes.

Q: Why are there not photos of people in this directory?
A: The reason we didn’t include photos is even though we took new photos this past fall at NLV Refresh, not everyone has a photo. Also there are some very old photos and we didn’t think people wanted those printed.

Q: How can we see people’s photos if they are not included in the Church Directory?
A: You can log into New Life Vine and go to a person’s profile and you will see the photo that they have uploaded.

Q: How often will the church update the Church Directory?
A: We plan to produce a new directory every year in the fall. In September we plan to do a New Life Vine Refresh – similar to what we did last September. When the refresh is complete we will produce a new directory in early October.

Q: Why do we ask people to not copy the directory?
A: If someone wants a copy of the directory then can fill out the Request form and the church office will get one for them. We do not want people to pass on the church directory to anyone who is not a member at New Life and who will use the information for anything other than ministry.


Dear Parents of New Life Kids,

Christmas is fast approaching and we are thrilled to be spending time with your children anticipating the birth of Christ.  We have been working hard on learning new songs and parts for the Christmas production on December 23. We have three dates to note for rehearsals that we would like you to mark on your calendars:

1. December 22: Full dress rehearsal for all kidschurch kids and week 4 leaders and helpers from 9-11am in the auditorium.  If your child is a Little Light (age 2-4) we are aware that this may be too long and request that they arrive at 11am for a quick run through.
2. December 22: All actors are required to be here for full dress rehearsal from 9am-1pm (Lunch will be provided for actors and cast members).
3. December 23: Please have all choir here and be ready at 9:15am and actors by 8:15am .

If you have any questions please contact Cyndi Broersma.


December 15, 2018

Dear New Life Family and Friends,

I would like to wish you a sincere blessing as we celebrate the birth of our Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ.

This year we have seen God’s mission coming alive in New Life in many ways.

  • We have seen God bring expansion within His church. We have seen slight increases in Sunday attendance, new visitors, more people becoming members, and more people coming to faith in Jesus for the first time.
  • We are learning to take next steps together as Christ’s disciples. Our lives are being changed as we Worship our Lord. We find strength in Christ-centered Community and we find deep fulfillment when we Serve like Jesus.
  • Pastor Nathan has led us through several Biblical teaching series such as Uncomfortable, the Upside Down Gospel, A Call To Persevere, Portraits of The Church, Quest For God, and What Do you Expect? – our current advent series.
  • We have seen strong support in missions. This past year we celebrate a total of $165,000 collected and distributed towards our missionaries, local mission agencies, mission partners abroad, and mission trips. We also supported Christian Reformed ministries with a worldwide reach for an additional $96,500.

Even though we have seen God’s work among us this year, there is still much to anticipate as we participate in God’s call on our Church.

I invite you to help us finish this year strong as we position ourselves for an exciting 2018 by making a generous end-of-year financial gift to New Life. Our goal as a church is to receive $136,000 in the month of December towards New Life ministries.

You can make a donation by giving on a Sunday in a giving envelop, by e-transfer (, online (, or through our New Life smartphone app. Please remember to give your gifts by noon on Monday, December 31, 2018 for the gifts to be tax deductible for year 2018.

Thank you for being a part of the New Life Church family. We wish you a most blessed Christmas and a very Happy New Year as we work together to accomplish the vision God has given us.

Together for Christ and His Kingdom,

Mike VanderKwaak

Executive Pastor

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