New Life News

COVID Update – June 2, 2021

Dear New Life Family,

Finally, we’ve had some good news with respect to the pandemic.  As the rate of vaccinations increases we are moving closer to less restrictions for meeting together.  We are thankful for this news.

Worship Services

We will begin in-person worship services on Sunday, June 6 with two groups of 50 in the auditorium.  With the limited capacity we are hosting two services each Sunday morning, one at 9:00am and another at 11:00am.  We hope this gives the greatest opportunity to attend an in-person service.  The services will still follow the restrictions of social distancing, no singing, and no congregating.  Registration will be required, it will open weekly on Tuesdays and close on Fridays. The best place to register is on our website.  According to the BC Restart Plan, we could see increased capacity after July 1, perhaps with lessened restrictions.

We will continue with online worship services throughout this transition, moving to live-streaming sometime mid-summer.  These services will continue to be online and on-demand.  In addition, we are developing a permanent online church campus.  This will allow people to attend church where ever they are (live-streamed with chat functions).  A launch date for the online campus is yet to be set.

Facility Upgrade Project

We are grateful that during this pandemic, restricting our use of the auditorium, we have been able to make some necessary improvements.  We can’t wait to welcome you back to a refreshed and upgraded auditorium.  The new lighting system should be installed near the beginning of July.  We are grateful for the donations you have made to help this major project along.

Serve 2021

The New Life focus on serving carries forward in the month of June with attention on some of our “front-line” workers in this Covid-19 pandemic.  We are collecting 150 Thank you cards (accompanied with a $10 Starbucks card) from the congregation.  Come to the church with your Starbucks donation and sign a Thank-you card (or several, provided at the church).

Postponed NL LIVE

This is a reminder that the Board of Elders has postponed our next New Life LIVE to September 25, 2021, normally scheduled for early June.  This will allow us to gain a better picture on expenses and future financial needs as we pull out of this pandemic.  We are confident that God has wonderful opportunities and exciting ministry prepared for us as we step forward and persevere for the sake of the gospel and God’s kingdom.

Thank you for your on-going support of New Life ministries, and the consistent encouragement staff have received from you.  If you have questions or need, please feel free to contact the church or a pastor.

Serving Christ together,

Pastor Nathan

June Serve Focus

June Serve Focus

Every month we have a new serve focus. This month’s focus is to show our care and appreciation for the front line workers, especially the ICU team in the Abbotsford hospital. This team has been in this pandemic for so long and they are facing it in real time every day.  We want to show them our appreciation and bless them.

Here’s how: Drop off one or more $10 Starbucks giftcard(s) at New Life Church. Then at church, write a thank you note for the team (cards will be available).  Our goal is to collect 150 thank-you cards. We are officially half way through our year of serving. We have been so generous with our time and money this year. Thanks to Joel & Izzy VanGaalen for coordinating this month’s serve effort.

You can also give a donation to this project and we can get the giftcard for you. Check out our giving page to learn how to give, make sure you specify the money is for the June Serve Focus.

ICU Team is made up of:
Respiratory Therapists
Care Aids
Unit Clerks
Social Workers
House Keepers

Outdoor Prayer & Worship Service – May 30, 2021

Outdoor Prayer & Worship Service – May 30, 2021

We are having in person worship & prayer evening on Sunday May 30 at 6pm.  Abide is our prayer and worship time where we gather together outdoors to press in to God. If you haven’t come out yet we encourage you to take advantage of this opportunity to meet together.  We host a group of fifty in the church parking lot.  This event is rain or shine, so bring a chair and maybe an umbrella.  Everyone must register, registration opens on Friday May 21.

Use the link below to register:

Mother’s Day Drive Thru & Photobooth – May 8, 2021

Mother’s Day Drive Thru & Photobooth – May 8, 2021

Calling all Moms! Drop by Saturday May 8 between 10am-1pm to take a photo at our photo booth with your family and get a special gift. We would love to see you and celebrate you! Invite any mom who needs to be celebrated also! Feel free to get creative with this booth, dress your best or bring some of your own props.

Outdoor Abide May 16, 2021

Outdoor Abide May 16, 2021

ABIDE Join us Sunday, May 16 at 6pm for the Abide Worship Night outside in the church parking lot. Registration will open next week Friday, May 7. Click here to register. Grab your chair and maybe your umbrella, this event is rain or shine, for a time of worship and a short devotional from Pastor Nathan. If you can’t make it on May 16 we will also be hosting this event on May 30. We encourage you to take advantage of this opportunity to gather together for such a intimate time.



COVID Update – April 30, 2021

Dear New Life Family,

This is the 13th update we have given since the Covid-19 pandemic began.  Our effort is to keep everyone connected and informed about what’s going on at New Life Church during these unusual times.

Worship Services

We are all so anxious to get back to in-person gatherings and we have taken some steps to do so.   We are expanding worship opportunities to Sunday evenings.  Now, twice a month we will host an outdoor in-person gathering for worship, prayer and some devotionals, called Abide.  These will be held rain or shine.  We are still limited to gatherings of 50 people, so register early online.  The next Abide will be held Sunday evening, May 16 at 7:00pm and registration for this event will open on Friday May 7 in the Encourager. In the meantime, we continue to do pre-recorded services for our regular “Sunday morning” worship services, accessible from our website or our other social media platforms.

Serve 2021

Throughout the month of May we are extending the opportunity to serve your community by helping with garbage clean up on the streets of your neighbourhood.  Details for participating are on our website under the EVENTS tab.  It starts with an email to Pastor Mike to let him know what area you will be covering.  Not only will you be given equipment for garbage collection (pick-sticks, vests, bags, etc) but also you will be covering your neighbourhood with prayer.  Suggested prayers will be on the New Life Prayer Wall in the New Life App.  As we continue our outward focus for serving we’re celebrating the success of our food drive during the month of April.  Thank you for blessing the Abbotsford Food Bank, Joshua House, and Life Recovery with your donations.

Postponed NL LIVE

The Board of Elders has postponed our next New Life LIVE to September 25, 2021, normally scheduled for early June.  This will allow us to gain a better picture on expenses and future financial needs as we pull out of (hopefully) this pandemic.  We are confident that God has wonderful opportunities and exciting ministry prepared for us as we step forward and persevere for the sake of the gospel and God’s kingdom.

Facility Upgrade Project

Upgrades to the New Life auditorium are really looking good, with new stage lighting, a new projection system, and a fresh coat of paint throughout.  The next big pieces of the project are new acoustic panels and new lighting for the auditorium. Our existing lighting system has reached the end of it’s life span.   Following that, we’re hoping to address auditorium flooring needs and some bathroom improvements.  There is a Facility Upgrade Fund to which you can make donations to help alleviate some of the costs of this project.  Just follow your usual method of giving and make sure the designation is made for this special fund.

Congregational Care

We have a wonderful and generous group of women who are a part of our meals ministry, and this Spring we’ve been able to help out and bless four different families from our church community going through challenges such as grief/loss, and recovery from surgery/injury.  Praise the Lord!  If you are interested in helping out with providing meals, contact the coordinator, Rachel Vandenberg (

Thank you for your on-going support of New Life ministries and for the encouragement you give to one another throughout this trying time.  Let’s continue to be patient and faithful, confident that even in difficulty God is at work.  “. . .run with perseverance the race marked out for us. . . (Hebrews 12:1).”

May Serve Focus: Garbage Pick Up

May Serve Focus: Garbage Pick Up

Let’s serve our city together by walking streets, bagging garbage and praying for our neighbours this month of May. You can get started by emailing Mike. He will get all you need, garbage bags, safety vests, garbage picker-uppers and gloves (courtesy of the City of Abbotsford). Pick your own route near your home or one that you know needs prayer or has a lot of garbage. You can do this by yourself, or with family, friends or your Life Group.  Our New Life Prayer wall on the New Life app will have prayers to pray during your prayer walks. When you are done let us know by email or on social media what neighbourhood you covered, with whom, and with a picture of a filled garbage bag.

Facility Upgrade Project

Facility Upgrade Project

Dear New Life Family,

We are inviting you to participate in an exciting, long awaited project within New Life Church. 

We are in the process of upgrading our auditorium and today we are asking you to prayerfully consider giving to this project.  Your help will enable the church to move into the future to fulfill the ministry God has called us to.

New Life’s facility was built in the mid 1990’s.  Over the years the auditorium has mostly remained the same and recently we have begun some of the long-awaited upgrades.

Last summer we began with upgrading our stage lighting.  We removed the old stage lighting system and replaced it with new lighting that has been a wonderful improvement for the church.  Most recently we upgraded our video projection system to a larger and clearer screen.  We are very thankful for these upgrades and we are blessed that they were paid for from the church’s savings. 

Currently, we are focusing on painting the walls, improving acoustics and changing all the house lights.  The dark colored walls with the dim house lights will be changed! 

We are also eager to update the original bathrooms and change the flooring in the auditorium and we will pursue those projects at a later date after this current phase of upgrades is complete. 

The Board of Elders wanted to move forward with this project as soon as possible because it is convenient to do the work when the church isn’t meeting in the auditorium. 

We are asking you to prayerfully invest into New Life’s future by giving today to help offset the costs of upgrading our auditorium. 

If you donate to the Facility Upgrade Fund, all your funds will be used towards these long-awaited upgrades. 



Mike VanderKwaak
Executive Pastor

Outdoor Abide May 16, 2021


Abide is going outside! Abide is typically a live streamed worship and prayer night on the last Sunday of every month. This month we won’t be live streaming, but will be hosting a outdoor in person gathering. We can only host 50 participants so register quick. Grab your chair and experience a wonderful night of worship and prayer in the back parking lot. Please enter through the west green gate. This event will proceed rain or shine at 7:00PM. Follow this link to register: Hope to see you there!

COVID Update – March 31, 2021

Dear New Life Family, 

We celebrate the risen Christ with you this week.   This Friday is Good Friday and once again we have joined together with other Christian Reformed churches in Abbotsford and Mission to compile a joint online service to commemorate the great sacrifice of our Saviour.  You will be able to view that video on Friday morning.   

On Easter Sunday we will have a very special online service that we are excited to present to you.  At the same time, we are sad this will be our second Easter apart.  We had so hoped that this year it would be something more.  Our staff team was making exciting plans to host in person worship services on Easter and the weeks to come.  Then this past Monday we heard the difficult news that health officials reversed their initial allowance for indoor worship events.   We were so terribly disappointed of the news.  For Easter, we had planned three consecutive times to meet together in groups of fifty and other special ways to make the Easter service a celebration together.  Despite our disappointment, however, we stay the course and continue to be diligent while we are in the pandemic.   

We are also suspending youth and young adult ministries based on health official recommendations.  We had been continuing these programs with in-person gatherings, and will re-evaluate for the week of April 12.  Our priorities at New Life during this pandemic have been to do ministry safely and sustainably.  At this time, when Covid cases have surged, especially in the age-range of young adults, we want to be extra careful.   The health of our ministry volunteers, participants, and all our members are an important concern.  

In the midst of these set-backs, the New Life auditorium is undergoing some improvements and we can’t wait to show it off.  Right now, we are focusing on the stage area, with a new projection system that will be larger and clearer.  Work has also begun to replace sound panels throughout the auditorium and give it all a fresh coat of paint.  The next major piece of the project will be a new lighting system for the auditorium.  A loan of $170,000 has been approved by the congregation at the last New Life LIVE meeting.  To contribute money for these improvementswe will be promoting donations to reduce the loan amount.  Watch for an up-coming fund-raising campaign.   

Thank you for your support and encouragement throughout this time.  It is trying for all of us.  You are in our prayers.  If there is anything we can help you with please don’t hesitate to call the church office or a pastor.  Please keep staff and ministry volunteers in your prayers as we continue to adjust and adapt ministry to different conditions.  We remain filled with hope in our resurrected Saviour, and anticipate that God is at work through all of our circumstances.  To him be all glory.   


Pastor Nathan and Pastor Mike 

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