New Life News
July Serve Focus: Missionaries & Mission Partners
JULY SERVE MONTH In conjunction with the It’s Personal series of messages, the SERVE 2021 focus for July will be serving our New Life Missionaries. Throughout the month of July you are asked to offer a note of greeting or encouragement (even just signing your name) to an electronic card that will be sent to missionaries and mission partners who are supported by New Life Church. Below is a list of the names of people to whom we are sending a card. Click on the names of the missionaries whose card you wish to sign. Sign all the cards, or as many as you would like.
Fred in the Middle East
Eve Pohl and Abbotsford Staff
Hope for Korah Staff in Ethiopia
Jonathan and Janice Barnhoorn in Nigeria
Fernando Trevino in Colombia
Rich and Ang Korkowski Directors of Joshua House
Esperanza Staff
New Life Church in Honduras
Cooling Centre June 28-30
Need AC? Come Visit.
Don’t Need AC? We still need your help!
We are open today (June 28), Tuesday from 12pm-9pm & Wednesday from 12pm-6pm. If you can’t beat the heat come by for as long or as little as you need. We also need volunteers to help out managing our guests. Please email Sam Visser if you are available for any amount of time on any of these days to help out. We also are planning on showing family friendly movies. Today movies will be shown at 1pm & 3pm. For more regular updates check on Facebook & Instagram @newlifeabby.
If you can’t help us out and don’t need AC please share this information with anyone and everyone!
New Life Online Campus Starting July 4
We are adding an online campus to New Life ministries! Since adapting to the restrictions within a pandemic, we realize there are people who still will be unable to return to in-person gatherings for health or geographic reasons. We are now prepared to offer worship services and fellowship online. We will continue to present our Sunday worship services virtually but on a more interactive and ministry focused platform. The worship service live-stream will be available every Sunday at 11am. This way you will be able to interact with one of our pastors & other members live, pray with them, make comments during the service, as well as give and connect with ministry opportunities during the service. You will be able to access the online campus through our website, the same way you accessed our videos previously, these changes will be made on Sunday, July 4.
New Life Online
We are so grateful that we can once again worship together on Sunday mornings. We are sending out a loving invite for all to gather together again on Sunday mornings for worship.
This is an exciting time of change. We will be providing two Sunday morning worship services at New Life at 9am and at 11am. Click here for more information about attending.
We also realize that for some it will be difficult to come back for in person worship and for them the online worship service is important. There are people who are shut ins, out of town, on vacation, or those who do not feel comfortable coming back to in person worship yet. We want to be sure we stay connected with the entire New Life family and friends so we will continue providing online worship services along with the onsite services into the future.
We are learning how to improve the worship experience online and we want to let you know of a new approach to worshipping online that we will be moving to. This new approach is more ministry focused and brings engagement during the worship service. It’s called New Life Online.
Current Online Worship
The existing way we have been worshipping online is on YouTube. Our ministry staff pre-records the worship service mid-week and then we watch it on YouTube after it’s published on Sunday morning. This approached has worked but we noticed there are some shortcomings. We didn’t know who was worshipping with us. We missed being able to check in with people and pray with people at the worship services and know what their needs were. We missed being able to connect people to ministry opportunities during the service.
How It Will Work
We feel New Life Online will be more interactive and more participative. It will be our online campus that we are adding to New Life ministries. The worship service live-stream will show but there will be a pastor or trained elder logged into a chat area. You will be able to interact with one of our pastors, pray with them, make comments during the service, give and connect with ministry opportunities during the service. It will no longer be just you or family watching the service, you will be with others online and can worship together in community hosted by a pastor.
New Life Online will start at 11am on Sunday mornings. We will add more online services as the need is there or change the start time as we hear from you what is best. We are learning.
We will also be shifting from providing pre-recorded worship services to showing what is happening live in the auditorium during Sunday am in person worship services. This is called live-streaming. We will be video streaming live what is happening during a worship service on Sunday am at New Life to those who are online on New Life Online. This will begin on Sunday, July 4.
This live-stream will be saved as a video and available later to view on our YouTube channel. We will make this video available as an “on demand” option so you can watch it later during the week.
- Pastor Mike
NEW LIFE ONLINE CHURCH We are adding an online campus to New Life ministries! Since adapting to the restrictions within a pandemic, we realize there are people who still will be unable to return to in-person gatherings for health or geographic reasons. We are now prepared to offer worship services and fellowship online. We will continue to present our Sunday worship services virtually but on a more interactive and ministry focused platform. The worship service live-stream will show and you will be able to interact with one of our pastors live, pray with them, make comments during the service, as well as give and connect with ministry opportunities during the service. You will be able to access the online campus through our website, the same way you accessed these videos, these changes will be made on Sunday, July 4.
June 20 – Father’s Day Disc Golf Tournament
New Life welcomes you and your family or friends to a New Life Disc-Golf (NLDG) tournament. It will be held on Sunday, June 20, 2021 from 12-3:00 PM in the back-parking lot. Whether you are a disc novice or a “PGA pro” come out and play our home-made disc-golf course at the church. Bring your own disc (frisbee) or pick one up at the church. All are welcome to participate. Bring your neighbour, meet some people, have a lot of fun! See you there. Everyone must register using the button below.
COVID Update – June 2, 2021
Dear New Life Family,
Finally, we’ve had some good news with respect to the pandemic. As the rate of vaccinations increases we are moving closer to less restrictions for meeting together. We are thankful for this news.
Worship Services
We will begin in-person worship services on Sunday, June 6 with two groups of 50 in the auditorium. With the limited capacity we are hosting two services each Sunday morning, one at 9:00am and another at 11:00am. We hope this gives the greatest opportunity to attend an in-person service. The services will still follow the restrictions of social distancing, no singing, and no congregating. Registration will be required, it will open weekly on Tuesdays and close on Fridays. The best place to register is on our website. According to the BC Restart Plan, we could see increased capacity after July 1, perhaps with lessened restrictions.
We will continue with online worship services throughout this transition, moving to live-streaming sometime mid-summer. These services will continue to be online and on-demand. In addition, we are developing a permanent online church campus. This will allow people to attend church where ever they are (live-streamed with chat functions). A launch date for the online campus is yet to be set.
Facility Upgrade Project
We are grateful that during this pandemic, restricting our use of the auditorium, we have been able to make some necessary improvements. We can’t wait to welcome you back to a refreshed and upgraded auditorium. The new lighting system should be installed near the beginning of July. We are grateful for the donations you have made to help this major project along.
Serve 2021
The New Life focus on serving carries forward in the month of June with attention on some of our “front-line” workers in this Covid-19 pandemic. We are collecting 150 Thank you cards (accompanied with a $10 Starbucks card) from the congregation. Come to the church with your Starbucks donation and sign a Thank-you card (or several, provided at the church).
Postponed NL LIVE
This is a reminder that the Board of Elders has postponed our next New Life LIVE to September 25, 2021, normally scheduled for early June. This will allow us to gain a better picture on expenses and future financial needs as we pull out of this pandemic. We are confident that God has wonderful opportunities and exciting ministry prepared for us as we step forward and persevere for the sake of the gospel and God’s kingdom.
Thank you for your on-going support of New Life ministries, and the consistent encouragement staff have received from you. If you have questions or need, please feel free to contact the church or a pastor.
Serving Christ together,
Pastor Nathan
June Serve Focus
Every month we have a new serve focus. This month’s focus is to show our care and appreciation for the front line workers, especially the ICU team in the Abbotsford hospital. This team has been in this pandemic for so long and they are facing it in real time every day. We want to show them our appreciation and bless them.
Here’s how: Drop off one or more $10 Starbucks giftcard(s) at New Life Church. Then at church, write a thank you note for the team (cards will be available). Our goal is to collect 150 thank-you cards. We are officially half way through our year of serving. We have been so generous with our time and money this year. Thanks to Joel & Izzy VanGaalen for coordinating this month’s serve effort.
You can also give a donation to this project and we can get the giftcard for you. Check out our giving page to learn how to give, make sure you specify the money is for the June Serve Focus.
ICU Team is made up of:
Respiratory Therapists
Care Aids
Unit Clerks
Social Workers
House Keepers
Outdoor Prayer & Worship Service – May 30, 2021
We are having in person worship & prayer evening on Sunday May 30 at 6pm. Abide is our prayer and worship time where we gather together outdoors to press in to God. If you haven’t come out yet we encourage you to take advantage of this opportunity to meet together. We host a group of fifty in the church parking lot. This event is rain or shine, so bring a chair and maybe an umbrella. Everyone must register, registration opens on Friday May 21.
Use the link below to register:
Mother’s Day Drive Thru & Photobooth – May 8, 2021
Calling all Moms! Drop by Saturday May 8 between 10am-1pm to take a photo at our photo booth with your family and get a special gift. We would love to see you and celebrate you! Invite any mom who needs to be celebrated also! Feel free to get creative with this booth, dress your best or bring some of your own props.
Outdoor Abide May 16, 2021
ABIDE Join us Sunday, May 16 at 6pm for the Abide Worship Night outside in the church parking lot. Registration will open next week Friday, May 7. Click here to register. Grab your chair and maybe your umbrella, this event is rain or shine, for a time of worship and a short devotional from Pastor Nathan. If you can’t make it on May 16 we will also be hosting this event on May 30. We encourage you to take advantage of this opportunity to gather together for such a intimate time.