New Life News

The Journey – April 13
The April workshop in The Journey series is scheduled for Palm Sunday, April 13, 2025 at 6:30pm – 8:30pm. The workshop will be an artwork presentation by Bolivian artist, Daniela Amestegui. Working in digital graphic design, Daniela has created a series of banners depicting the major seasons of the Christian calendar. Her presentation of this artwork will prepare us as we enter Holy Week to take in the powerful events of Good Friday and Easter. The workshop takes place in Room 303 at New Life Church.
These Journey workshops are held once a month on Sunday evenings to equip Men and Women of all ages for the journey of faith.
Upcoming Journey Sessions:
- May: Mercy & Justice
- *May’s Journey session will be the last session until the new ministry year (Fall 2025)

Newcomers Lunch – April 27
Are you new to the New Life community? Whether you have come once, a handful of times or been attending for many months, we’d love to have lunch with you! Come upstairs after the service to room 303 on Sunday, April 27. You will have a chance to meet New Life Staff and Elders, ask questions and hear from Pastor Nathan a brief intro of New Life’s mission, vision and values.
- Where: New Life Church – Room 303
- When: April 27, 11:30am-1:30pm (following the service)
- Who: Anyone who is new or would like to learn more about New Life. Children are welcome, we will have some activies to keep them engaged.

Baptism & Profession of Faith Classes
Join Us for Baptism & Profession of Faith Class starting Tuesday, April 1, 2025 at 7:00pm. This class is for youth and adults.
Are you ready to take the next step in your faith journey? Are you wondering whether to publicly declare your commitment to Jesus Christ? New Life Church invites you to participate in our three-session class designed to prepare you for baptism or a profession of faith. In this class we will explore major biblical teachings and key aspects of Christian faith. The class is held at New Life Church (Room 303) for three consecutive weeks (April 1, 8, and 15). Participants also have to be available on Sunday, May 25, for the 10am worship service. This is the Sunday they will make their profession and/or be baptised. We encourage you to prayerfully consider this opportunity and join us as we grow together in faith. We look forward to walking alongside you on this exciting journey! Use the button below to sign up!
- April 1, 8 & 15
- New Life Church
- 7pm-9pm
- Participants must attend every class
New Member’s Sunday
- May 25
- New Life Church
- 10am

March Journey Cancelled
This month’s Journey workshop scheduled for March 16 is CANCELLED. Pastor Shaun was going to be leading the session, however due to family matters will not be able to do so. Please spread the word to those who may have intended to attend. The next Journey workshop will be on Sunday, April 13.
Upcoming Journey Sessions:
- April 13: Lent – Holy Week Prep
- May: Mercy & Justice
*May’s Journey session will be the last session until the new ministry year (Fall 2025)

Memorial for Erik Timmermans
A Celebration of Life for Erik Timmermans will be held here at New Life Church (35270 Delair Rd) at 2:00pm on Saturday, February 22, 2025. All are welcome to attend the service or watch the livestream which will be available using the button below.

$2 Men’s Breakfast – Mar 8
Saturday, March 8 at 8am at New Life Church
Gentlemen, it’s time to fuel up—physically and spiritually! Join us for a legendary Men’s Breakfast at Newlife, where the coffee is strong, the bacon is crispy, and the conversation is life changing.
On the Menu:
- ✔ Toast (because carbs = energy)
- ✔ Scrambled eggs (protein for power)
- ✔ And of course… BACON. Lots and lots of bacon.
But it’s not just about the food. You’ll hear real stories from men already in a 3M Group. A 3M group is a group of 3 men who meet and grow together in Manhood, Mission, and Maturity (not just muscle, motorcycles, and meat, but hey, those are cool too).
The men’s ministry exists… “To create opportunities for men to connect intergenerationally, and to challenge one another to grow in Christ-likeness”
Thinking about joining a 3M group? This is your chance! You’ll also get the inside scoop on upcoming events designed to challenge, equip, and encourage you in your faith.
Come hungry. Leave encouraged.
Wondering what to do next? Sign up at the info booth on Sunday Feb 23 or March 2. The just bring a toonie, your appetite, and we’ll see you on March 8!

GEMS Fundraiser
Place your order using the button below by February 24, 2025
New Life GEMS is a girls program at New Life Church for grades 3-7. GEMS stands for Girls Everywhere Meeting their Saviour. This program exists to nurture and build up girls in the faith. As part of their year end celebration, New Life GEMS go to Timberline Ranch for the weekend. It is also a highlight for the year. This GEMS Fundraiser helps reduce the cost of the weekend. We hope you will consider supporting these GEMS.
We are thankful to Neufeld Farm Market for partnering with us in this fundraiser. Using the link below you can place a online order for any of the Neufeld items. Included are Meat, desserts, appetizers, pizzas etc. Make sure to place your order before midnight on February 24. All orders must be picked up from the Neufeld’s truck at New Life on March 6 at 7:30pm. If you are unavailable that evening, you are welcome to arrange for someone else to pick up your order for you.

Celebration of Life for Gordon Heidebrecht
A Celebration of Life for Gordon Heidebrecht will be held here at New Life Church (35270 Delair Rd) at 2:00pm on Tuesday, February 11, 2025. All are welcome to attend the service or watch the livestream which will be available using the button below.

The Journey – Feb 16
The February workshop in The Journey series is scheduled for Sunday, February 16, 2025 at 6:30pm – 8:30pm. Pastor Nathan will give an overview of the Heidelberg Catechism. A catechism serves as a summary of Christian teaching and can help to bring clarity to what we believe as Christians. If you ever wonder what you actually believe, this workshop can give you some framework around which you can organize your thoughts about the Christian faith. These Journey workshops are held once a month on Sunday evenings to equip Men and Women of all ages for the journey of faith. This specific session will be on Sunday, February 16 at 6:30pm in Room 303.
Upcoming Journey Sessions:
- March 16: TBD
- April 13: Lent
- May: Mercy & Justice

Switchlife Prayer Night – January 30
Prayer is important and praying corporately is one simple way that we can grow as a church and as individuals. Group prayer is outside of many of our comfort zones, but that doesn’t mean that this isn’t for everyone. Whether you pray silently or pray out loud, the annual Switchlife Prayer Night is an important tradition and opportunity. We will break into different small groups and each group will be led in prayer by 3 or 4 youth. We will be praying for topics chosen by those students.
This is a unique opportunity to learn the minds and hearts of our young ones as we seek God together. If you’re a grandparent, an uncle or an aunt, a parent, or simply someone who wants to pray with the next generation of leaders, this prayer night invitation is for all. We hope to see you on Thursday, January 30 at 7:30pm.