New Life News
At Your Table Potluck – Nov 19
As we seek to be a hospitable community in response to the current sermon series, we are now challenging you to put this into action! On Sunday, Nov 19, at 12:30pm we want you to be a HOST or a GUEST at a potluck. Everyone will be responsible to contribute to the meal whether you are the host or guest. The goal is to have 10, 20, or even 30 potlucks happening at the same time in Abbotsford, Chilliwack, Mission, etc. If you want to be a HOST or a GUEST, you will have the opportunity to sign up after the service on Sunday Nov 5 and Nov 12. Or you can email the office.
Christmas Craft Fair
New Life Women’s Connections is hosting a Christmas Craft Fair on Nov 3 & 4 to fundraise for their upcoming women’s retreat. They have many different vendors from the New Life congregation coming to sell their own hand made crafts like candles, wood signs, art, pottery etc. It will be hosted at New Life Church from 5pm-9pm on Friday, Nov 3 and 9am-1pm on Saturday, Nov 4. Come out to support our women’s ministry and get some Christmas shopping done.
Friday, November 3 at 5pm-9pm
Saturday, November 4 at 9am-1pm
New Life Church – 35270 Delair Road, Abbotsford, BC
If you want to learn more about the vendors coming follow @chrismas_art_market on Instagram for regular updates.
Women’s Retreat – Nov 24-26
Registration is open for our 2023 Women’s Retreat!
On November 24-26 we are having another women’s retreat at Stillwood Camp and Conference Centre. We are scheduled to arrive at 7pm on Friday, November 24 and leave at 1pm on Sunday, November 26.
Our theme for the weekend is Immeasurably More. We will be exploring Ephesians 3:20-21 together and learning what it means live in and ask for the “more” that we are promised in Scripture and how to understand when God doesn’t deliver the way we expected Him to.
We will be led in three sessions by Melissa McVety. Melissa and her husband have a marriage and family counselling ministry together and received her Masters in Marriage and Family Therapy through Trinity Western University. She is a gifted speaker and is excited to explore God’s promise of immeasurably more with us over the weekend!
All women are welcome, no matter what church you attend. The cost will be $200. This includes two nights at Stillwood, all the meals and some goodies that we are preparing for you! Single rooms are available for an extra fee, if needed.
You can pay with cash or cheque in person, or etransfer to and write Women’s Retreat in the memo line.
If finances are a factor for you in whether you can attend or not, please do no hesitate to reach out as we do not want that to be the reason you can’t come.
Registration closes October 31, 2023.
Thanksgiving Breakfast – Oct 9
New Life is hosting a breakfast on the thanksgiving Monday, October 9, at 9am. This will be a pancake breakfast, with a time of worship and reflection. It is always a meaningful time eating together, we hope to see you all there!
Leadership Workshop – September 23
New Life is hosting a leadership workshop event on September 23 to provide an opportunity for anyone interested to grow in their ability to lead and facilitate group discussion. The purpose of this event is to equip you so that whenever and if-ever you are presented with the opportunity to lead a Bible study or small group discussions, whether in your life group, Women’s Connections or somewhere else, you can do it with confidence!
Why should you consider coming to this workshop?
Sometimes the easy answer when asked to lead or facilitate a discussion is “no, it’s not my gifting”. But maybe that’s not true. Colossians 3:16 says “let the word of Christ dwell in you richly, teaching and admonishing one another in all wisdom”. Paul isn’t speaking to specific people with the gift of teaching, but to the whole church. If this is our calling as Christians, maybe the problem is not that we do not feel gifted in this area, but that we don’t know how to do it or we feel unqualified.
So, we are hosting this workshop in hopes that we can share some tips and tricks in leading group discussions and to encourage you to let the word of Christ dwell in you richly, like Colossians says, so that it may pour out of your heart and life as you lead others through studying God’s Word.
When and where is it happening?
We will be hosting the event at New Life Church upstairs in room 303 on the morning of September 23 from 9am-11am.
How can I sign up?
Please register with the link below by September 18 so that we can prepare food and resources accordingly.
GEMS, Cadets & Switchlife Registration
GEMS AND CADETS REGISTRATION is open for the 2023-2024 ministry year! They each run from October-May every other Tuesday for kids in grades 3-7.GEMS is our girls program – which stands for Girls Everywhere Meeting the Saviour. Cadets is a boys program. If you have any questions about this program or the registration please talk to Sam Postma. Registration closes September 15, make sure you register your child as soon as possible and you can find the registration on our website.
SWITCHLIFE REGISTRATION Switchlife is our youth program for grades 8-12. They meet on Thursday evenings starting in September. Please register your youth, you can find the registration on our website. The kickoff event for Switchlife is Re:Activate which is September 8-10. Re:Activate is a youth conference put on by local CRC churches where they spend time doing activities, worshipping, being in community, and learning more about Jesus. It is awesome way to kick off the year. Email Jacob Visser if you have any questions.
Delair Road Block Party
Spread the word. We are hitting the street on September 10, 2023 from 12pm-2:30pm for a Delair Road Block Party. Be prepared for tons of free family fun games, activities, lots of food and other surprises. Your hosts, New Life Church, New Life Korean, Cascade Community Church & Zion Church, want to see the community come together for tons of fun. This event is rain or shine, we hope to see you there!
Superhero Park Days
Superhero Park Days is happening this year at Delair park, on July 10-13 and August 8-11 from 9:30am-12:00pm. Park Days is a free event, open to everyone of all ages. We will provide free face painting, games, bubbles, crafts and so much more. We love the Delair community and we want to be intentional in gathering people together. You can join Park Days one day or every day, we will be set up on the east side of the park by the play ground. We hope to see you there! If you have any questions about this event, please contact Shayla Dykstra.
New Life Live – June 7
NEW LIFE LIVE is happening on Wednesday, June 7 at 7pm, this is one of two annual meetings for New Life Church members. This event is in person in the New Life Church auditorium and will also be live streamed and available at We would love to see our Church Family gather that evening to stay informed and receive information pertaining to the proposed budget and nominations for the Board of Elders that requires your affirmation. View the New Live Life Package using the button below, hard copies will be available on Sunday at the info booth. Please submit all questions you would like addressed by email before the meeting to the New Life Church office. Voting on these motions will take place via email after the meeting until June 13. If you have questions about voting, please contact the church office.
Volunteer Appreciation Night
When: Thursday, June 22 at 7pm
Where: New Life Church Auditorium
Who: New Life Church Volunteers
Dessert, games & a thank you for all you have done this year!