THE JOURNEY The next Journey workshop is scheduled for Sunday, May 26 at 7pm. The session will be a showing of the film Luminous. The film follows Dr. Larry Molnar of Calvin University as he embarks on an odyssey of scientific discovery that is also a spiritual journey. The film raises compelling questions for people of faith.  Follow-up discussion will be hosted by Pastor Nathan. The session is open to anyone, we just ask that you register for each session to help anticipate class size. Please use the button below to register. Registration will be open until Friday, May 24.

The Journey Session 4 Details:

  • When: Sunday, May 26, at 7pm-9pm
  • Where: New Life Church, Room 303
  • Who: Anyone!


Journey sessions are held once a month (with the exception of summer months) to equip participants for the journey of faith. The intent for these discipleship workshops is to help form our faith as we learn to be followers of Jesus. This will be the last Journey session for this ministry year, resuming again in the fall.