New Life News
February Funanza

February Funanza

Come one come all to our February Funanza! On February 27 from 4-6PM, we will be hosting a games night at the church. This will be a family-friendly event to bring out your competitive side with trivia, board games, and snacks. Nursery will be available for ages 0-3. See you there!

Fully Devoted Watch Party

Fully Devoted Watch Party

New life is hosting a watch party! January 29 at 6pm. Join us in watching the online women’s conference from the Village Church, upstairs at New Life. Bring a snack to share and whatever you need to be comfy! Please click here to register if you plan to attend.

December Serve Focus – Missions Catalogue & Christmas Cards

December Serve Focus – Missions Catalogue & Christmas Cards

We are wrapping up our year long focus on serving. In the month of December we are emphasizing service to missionaries that we support here at New Life. Using the button below you can access our Missionary Giving Catalogue and we encourage you to prayerfully consider your gift-giving with items and suggestions in there. 

We also sent out seven Christmas cards to our different missionaries and missions partners on Christmas Day. Thank you to all of those who took the time to sign those cards!

Step 1: View Catalogue

Step 2: Fill out online order form

Step 3: Send payment by etransfer to or drop off cash or cheque to the church office before Dec 31, 2021.

COVID Update – December 2, 2021

Dear New Life Family,

We want you to be aware of the new public health order issued this week by the province.  The new mandate requires mask-wearing in all churches and places of worship. This public health order has been issued to reduce the risk of COVID-19 transmission in a season of increased risk.

New Life Church will be complying with this health order, as we have with other orders. We will require all participants who enter the building to wear a mask.  This applies to everyone age 5 years and older. The order requires that a mask be worn at all times while indoors, including while you are seated throughout a worship service, or while participating in any church ministry on location.

We are asking for your full cooperation on this public health order. We want to be a church that conveys sensitivity and concern for one another’s health, comfort and well-being. This is a call to relinquish our own “ambition …and in humility value others above yourself” (Philippians 2:1-4). If your mask wearing protects others, or even if it just makes them more comfortable, it demonstrates the kind of love that Jesus calls us to; he who washed other’s feet merely for their own comfort.

Let’s do all we can to characterize the New Life community in the light of God’s grace and mercy. Let’s be sensitive to person’s who may be more anxious about the virus, or who may be more vulnerable to contracting COVID-19. And please continue to practice the usual precautions of hand sanitization, social distancing, and staying home when experiencing cold symptoms.

Grace and peace,
Pastor Nathan

Christmas Services

Christmas Services

This Christmas we are hosting two special services to celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ. We have a Christmas Eve Candlelight Service on December 24 at 4:30pm. This will be a wonderful service as we anticipate the birth of Christ. We will celebrate with music, dance & stories. Christmas Day we will gather together at 10am to hear a message from Pastor Nathan and we will join together with many Christmas carols.

Childcare will be provided for ages 0-3 on both Dec 24 & Dec 25.

Zoom Sunday Service – November 21, 2021

Zoom Sunday Service – November 21, 2021

This is a time to come together, to be in prayer, and to renew our trust in God. We know so many of you have been impacted by the devastation to our city. This is heartbreaking for all of us. We want to come together to seek God in prayer on Sunday at 10 AM over zoom for our worship service. We will NOT be meeting in person this Sunday at the church building.

Below is the zoom link for Sunday at 10AM:
Meeting ID: 824 2629 0082

As of today, Friday, November 19, Delair road is under a evacuation order, which means we will not be hosting any events at the church until the order is lifted. We also have withstood some water damage in the basement of the church. Almost every part of the basement will need some kind of repair. A restoration company has already been in to evaluate and repair. We do not know how long the repairs will take. This means for the next little while our basement will be off limits. This coming Sunday we will be meeting together over zoom for our Sunday Service, NOT in person.

Please remain patient with us as we navigate this crisis. Please be ready to serve your neighbour when a need arises. We appreciate already the huge amount of support for the church family.

Flood Crisis Update – November 23, 2021

Flood Crisis Update – November 23, 2021

Church property outside has no flooding, there was extensive flooding in the surrounding area. We also have withstood some water damage in the basement of the church. Almost every part of the basement will need some kind of repair. A restoration company has already been in to evaluate and repair. We do not know how long the repairs will take. This means for the next little while our basement will be off limits.

If you are someone who would like to help practically, please contact Justin Dudney by email,, or call/text 604-768-8277. There are families who will need a variety of help: Meals, Cleaning, Removal of garbage, Light demo, Dump runs, Clearing barns, Etc. Justin, along with a leadership team from New Life, will be organizing work crews to help.

If you are someone who needs help, please contact Justin Dudney by email,, or call/text 604-768-8277. We will organize work crews to come out to you.

Other ways to help are to donate food to Archway Community Services at 2420 Montrose Avenue. You can donate clothing to Bible for Missions on 2337 West Railway Street. You can also give a financial donation to New Life Church and make sure you designate it to “Flood Relief.”

Please remain patient with us as we navigate this crisis. Please be ready to serve your neighbour when a need arises. We appreciate already the huge amount of support for the church family.

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