Worship Night – Feb 26

Worship Night – Feb 26

WORSHIP NIGHT New Life is hosting a Monday night worship event on February 26 at 7 PM.  It will be an evening of praise to God and fellowship with him and one another. If there is a song you love and want to sing, you are welcome to submit your suggestion to the...
Switchlife Prayer Night – Feb 1

Switchlife Prayer Night – Feb 1

SWITCHLIFE PRAYER NIGHT On Thursday, Feb 1, Switchlife youth is hosting a prayer night at the church from 7:30-9:00pm. Everyone is invited to come out and seek God together praying for eachother and as directed by the youth through topics that are important to...
Join a Life Group

Join a Life Group

LIFE GROUPS is a small groups ministry at New Life that meet during the week to study the Bible together and care for one another through prayer and hospitality. If you’re not already part of a group, we’d love to get you connected! To get connected to a life group,...
New Life Missions Give Guide

New Life Missions Give Guide

We are inviting you to serve our community with gifts to our mission partners & missionaries. Here are seven opportunities for you to give: Hope for Korah They have a gift catalogue available online at hopeforkorah.org. You can give a child breakfast, become a...
New Life Live – Dec 6

New Life Live – Dec 6

Our semi-annual congregational meeting is on Wednesday, Dec 6 at 7pm. Packages are available to view below and hard copies are at the info booth in the foyer. In this meeting we will review and approve the financial statements from the past church fiscal year. We are...