Giving Thanks, together.

Give thanks to the Lord – His love endures forever! How good to be reminded. With so much on our plates, it’s possible to by-pass gratitude. Take a moment and give thanks. For we owe God everything: every breath, every good and perfect gift, every moment, waking or...

Praying 24-7

During the week of August 15-20 we are opening a prayer room at New Life for people to come each hour to pray. Then on Saturday August 20th at 7pm we will have a night of worship and testimony to thank and worship God. 24/7 Prayer is a Network of families, churches,...

New Life Live – June 8th Recap

New Life Church was invited to gathered on Wednesday, June 8th at 7:30pm for New Life Live. The meeting was held in the auditorium at New Life and hosted by Board of Elder’s chair, Eric VanEgmond. Eric began the meeting with prayer and offered guidance on the manner...

Summer Review

June 26 – August 14, 2016 This past ministry year there have been several topics that we have been pretty intentional on addressing. “Oh really?” you say, “I didn’t notice. What were they again?” And when I remind you what series of messages we covered you might say,...