New Life Online

We are so grateful that we can once again worship together on Sunday mornings. We are sending out a loving invite for all to gather together again on Sunday mornings for worship. This is an exciting time of change. We will be providing two Sunday morning worship...
June 20 – Father’s Day Disc Golf Tournament

June 20 – Father’s Day Disc Golf Tournament

New Life welcomes you and your family or friends to a New Life Disc-Golf (NLDG) tournament. It will be held on Sunday, June 20, 2021 from 12-3:00 PM in the back-parking lot. Whether you are a disc novice or a “PGA pro” come out and play our home-made disc-golf course...

COVID Update – June 2, 2021

Dear New Life Family, Finally, we’ve had some good news with respect to the pandemic.  As the rate of vaccinations increases we are moving closer to less restrictions for meeting together.  We are thankful for this news. Worship Services We will begin in-person...
June Serve Focus

June Serve Focus

Every month we have a new serve focus. This month’s focus is to show our care and appreciation for the front line workers, especially the ICU team in the Abbotsford hospital. This team has been in this pandemic for so long and they are facing it in real time...
Outdoor Prayer & Worship Service – May 30, 2021

Outdoor Prayer & Worship Service – May 30, 2021

We are having in person worship & prayer evening on Sunday May 30 at 6pm.  Abide is our prayer and worship time where we gather together outdoors to press in to God. If you haven’t come out yet we encourage you to take advantage of this opportunity to meet...