Summer Review

June 26 – August 14, 2016

This past ministry year there have been several topics that we have been pretty intentional on addressing. “Oh really?” you say, “I didn’t notice. What were they again?” And when I remind you what series of messages we covered you might say, “I must have been on vacation when you did that series.” So let’s do a summer review.

We’re going to highlight in a single worship service each of the series that we did this past year. We want to make sure that you “got it” and provide a second opportunity to develop some of what we learned in the year’s messages.

There’s the old joke about a pastor who kept preaching the same sermon week after week and when someone asks why, the pastor replies, “I’m going to preach this message until the congregation practices it.”

Everyone always seems to agree that the joke expresses a good sentiment. This “Summer Review” series is our aim to express that treasured sentiment.