

Storytime July 30, 2024 – July 28, 2024 Fredrick Beuchner likened the Gospel to literature that was tragedy, comedy, and fairytale. This series of sermons is something like that in the sense that children’s stories sometimes can communicate something of the...
Profession of Faith & New Member’s Sunday

Profession of Faith & New Member’s Sunday

Profession of Faith & New Member’s Sunday May 26, 2024 This Sunday we will be hearing three profession of faith’s from youth in our congregation, Shayla, Kiara and Katelyn. We will also be introduced to some new member’s who completed the New...
ACTS: The Heart of the Church

ACTS: The Heart of the Church

ACTS: The Heart of the Church May 12, 2024 – June 23, 2024 What makes a church truly tick?  Under the theme The Heart of the Church we’ll explore that question in the next sermon series at New Life Church.  These messages will be part of a larger project to...
I’m Someone

I’m Someone

I’m Someone April 21, 2024 Fernando Trivino is a New Life sponsored missionary who works with Brand New Life Society in Bogota Colombia. Fernando visited New Life and shared a message with us based on the following passage. “And a woman was there who had...
New Realities

New Realities

New Realities April 7, 2024 – May 5, 2024 Who ever thought the whole world could be shut down, and yet that’s essentially what happened in 2020 A.D. Probably since World War II we have gotten used to feeling pretty stable in our world, at least here in the...