In a time like this, especially with the realization that the Covid-19 reality may last for some time I want to urge you to keep on keeping on. Here are some “keeps” to keep in mind:
Keep faith — this includes gathering for worship with our online services (see our website), but it also includes maintaining or starting ways to stay spiritually healthy (the spiritual disciplines we have been talking about in our current message series).
Keep your schedule – so many things are up in the air, or discontinued, and your own daily routines are probably quite different; try to keep a schedule, including bedtimes, wake times, meal times; and don’t overdue your screen time, stay creative with your activities.
Keep your distance – please observe all public health recommendations; that’s part of loving your neighbour! There are no physical gatherings at New Life Church, the facility is essentially closed to the public.
Keep praying – we have initiated a virtual prayer wall on the New Life App (go to the menu at the bottom of the screen), we’ll keep reminding you to be in prayer and we’ll keep praying for you and your loved ones, just send us your prayer requests.
Keep reaching out – we have to stay connected by whatever means; we have redesigned our website for this purpose, check it out; the deacons are ready to help if you need any kind of physical or financial assistance; the elders of the church are making contact with members in the congregation just to reach out, enjoy the conversation when they call; and make sure that your Life Group stays in touch with each other.