
Hi It’s Koen:

New Life Youth Ministry (AKA: Switchlife) Is undergoing some restructuring and re-visioning over the summer of 2017. To assist us we are asking any youth who attended and graduated youth ministries at New Life over the last twenty years 1997-2017 to complete this short 15-20 minute anonymous survey. Rather than going into this visioning process relying on general US or Canada Wide statistics of the waning church trends of young adults we wanted to see for ourselves what the local New Life data tells us. We have never done a research survey with so many past youth ministry participants, so the magnitude of this endeavor is both epic and daunting. We REALLY value your input and honesty into this survey as it will greatly inform how New Life youth ministry can best function moving into the epic exciting future of God’s unfolding kingdom.

Our hope and prayer is that the Jesus you encountered at New Life Youth is the Jesus that you still call your Lord and Saviour. Even if the rough waters of life have eroded your ability to hold fast to faith in Christ, it is our hope that you would also know that NO MATTER WHAT Jesus Christ is still holding on to you. If you sense that God is calling you back into a closer relationship with him, we are willing to walk that journey with you.

Peace, Blessings and some hopefully great memories as you complete this survey!!!

Please complete this survey before May 31st 2017

Please click HERE to take the Survey

Koenraad Beugelink (Koen)