Dear New Life Family and Friends, 

We are grateful for the recent lifting of restrictions, particularly on churches.  We will be transitioning this summer to phase 3.  Here is what Phase 3 means for New Life Church ministries as of July 1, 2021: 

  • There are no restrictions on gathering capacity,  
  • Wearing a mask is still recommended, but no longer mandated, 
  • Social distancing is recommended, but no longer mandated, 
  • Hand sanitizing is recommended but no longer mandated. 
  • You are still required to assess your own health and the health of your children before attending, with the recommendation to stay home if you are unwell. 
  • Monitoring for proof of vaccinations will not be required, nor is it allowed.   

In short, we are no longer in a public health emergency, and for that we are extremely grateful.  It does mean, however, that people may still choose to exercise public health practices as they so desire.  Please be generous and gracious with others as people navigate through this time of recovery.   

Starting Sunday, July 4, registration to attend worship services will no longer be required.  You will be able to sit anywhere in the auditorium, but please respect the space that others may require for safety and comfort.  We will resume the following activities in worship services: 

  • Fellowship and congregating, but again, please respect the wishes and comfort of those around you.   
  • Singing!  Again, please be aware of the wishes and comfort of those around you.   
  • Offering time in the worship service, collection boxes will be at the front of church and you will be able place your offerings there.   
  • Nursery (birth to 3 years) will be available beginning July 4.  Depending on the availability of volunteers, Sprouts (ages 4-5) will also be available this summer.  KidsChurch  will begin in the fall. 

Worship Services will now be held once on Sundays at 10:00 am.  Our worship service will have live worship and preaching. The service will be live streamed to our new online campus beginning on July 4. It can be found at  We invite you to join together in worship either in person or online.  We understand that some may feel wary to return to a worship service and we understand.  Please proceed as you are comfortable.  Join us online if that is what you prefer.   

We continue to pray for the church to fully gather and worship our Lord and Savior all together.   

Pastor Nathan and Pastor Mike