COVID Update – March 31, 2021

Dear New Life Family,  We celebrate the risen Christ with you this week.   This Friday is Good Friday and once again we have joined together with other Christian Reformed churches in Abbotsford and Mission to compile a joint online service to commemorate the great...

COVID Update – February 5, 2021

Dear New Life Family, Who would have thought a year ago that we would be in these pandemic circumstances?  We’re sending this letter out to you to inform you of how we see things, ministry-wise.  We also want to encourage you to press on in your own spiritual journey...
Best for Babies – Serve 2021

Best for Babies – Serve 2021

Best for Babies Program Best for Babies is the “serve” focus for the month of February at New Life Church. Best for Babies is a pregnancy outreach program hosted by Archway Community Services that offers pregnancy support to expectant parents, including education and...
Church-Wide Zoom Bingo Night

Church-Wide Zoom Bingo Night

On Sunday, January 31 from 7:00-8:00PM New Life Church will be hosting a virtual BINGO night. We look forward to seeing everyone on Zoom for a time of connection and BINGO. We have capacity for 100 devices so please limit your household to one device. Within your...

COVID Update – January 8, 2021

Dear New Life Congregation, Welcome to a new year, 2021!  We all wish, or at least joked, that a new year could bring a clean slate to this pandemic situation. Unfortunately, it is still with us. At New Life we keep pressing into God’s calling to work for changed...

COVID Update – December 10, 2020

Dear New Life Congregation, In this time of pandemic and on-going disruption, and especially in this Christmas season, the staff of New Life want to bless you with peace and grace.  As we have been dealing with necessary adaptations to our plans at church, we know...