Thanksgiving Day Breakfast – Oct 11

Thanksgiving Day Breakfast – Oct 11

Thanksgiving Day is on Monday, October 11 and we are gathering again under the theme of “Nourish & Be Nourished”, as we did last year. This year is a special celebration of being able to meet together. So we invite you to gather right here, with gifts of Rice for...
New Life Live – September 22

New Life Live – September 22

NEW LIFE LIVE this year will be on Wednesday September 22 at 7:00pm. This meeting will be a presentation of the new fiscal year budget, a ministry summary, and a motion to approve a new board member. This will be both an online and in-person event, you choose how to...
New Life County Fair – Sept 19

New Life County Fair – Sept 19

Septemeber 19 is our yearly kick off! This year we are celebrating by hosting a County Fair. Under a “county fair” theme, we want you to celebrate with the Delair community after the worship service from 11:30-1:30pm. We’ll have carnival games,...
Switchlife Youth Registration & Re:Activate

Switchlife Youth Registration & Re:Activate

If you or your youth Grades 8-12 is interested in attending Switchlife Youth this year please register them using the link below. We are also, heading to Re:Activate on Sept 10-12 at Willoughby CRC and you also need to REGISTER for that, link & information is also...
Superhero Park Days August 9-12

Superhero Park Days August 9-12

We want to head into our community and have some fun by hosting Superhero Park Days at Delair Park. On August 9-12 (Monday-Thursday) from 10am-12pm we will be getting to know the families and children of the Delair Community. Everyone is welcome to come and join in on...

July Serve Focus: Missionaries & Mission Partners

JULY SERVE MONTH In conjunction with the It’s Personal series of messages, the SERVE 2021 focus for July will be serving our New Life Missionaries. Throughout the month of July you are asked to offer a note of greeting or encouragement (even just signing your name) to...