The Minor Prophets

October 16, 2022 – November 20, 2022

There are twelve books of the Bible in the Old Testament that are called “The minor prophets.”  We will be looking at six of these books: Nahum, Habbakuk, Zechariah, Haggai, Zephaniah, and Malachi.  We don’t pay a lot of attention to these books (maybe because they are called “minor”),  but their message is important. The prophets link the Old Testament to the New Testament so that we come to expect a God who will love us and save us into true life. Ultimately God accomplishes that through his son, Jesus Christ, our savior. The prophets speak of the need for someone outside of ourselves to save us, they point to the need for a savior.  They express that need with the unrelenting love of God.  It helps us to see the flow of the message of the Bible as one glorious message of salvation.

The Worship Service for October 30 was cancelled due to a power outage. The discussion guide is linked below and still available for use.

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