In Remembrance of Me
March 24, 2024 – March 31, 2024Celebrate with us at the Good Friday service on March 29 at 6pm, and Easter Sunday, March 31 at 10am. Everyone is welcome to these services as we anticipate the joyful banquet of our Lord.
This series of messages takes us through the last week of Jesus’ life, from the time that he enters into Jerusalem on Palm Sunday to the time he rises from the tomb on Easter Sunday. The significance of that week was memorialized by Jesus when at the last supper with his disciples he took the bread and the cup and said, “Do this in remembrance of me.” The prescribed action isn’t merely an admonition to not forget. It’s about recalling the very presence of Jesus as though we see him, hear his voice, know his touch and thus are able to celebrate the salvation he has accomplished for us. It reflects the paradox of the gospel itself, that through his death Christ has won us over to life. As Frederick Buechner observed, “Through the eyes of faith too, the Last Supper, though on one level a tragic farewell and failure . . . is also, at its deepest level, the foreshadowing of great hope and the bodying forth of deep mystery.