Men’s Ministry
Being a “Man of God” is a high calling. And like all parts of the Church, its easier in community. Join us as we pursue our Creator together.

New Life Church values the men that are a part of our community very highly. Men’s Ministry will have large group gatherings three times a year. The best way to meet other men in our church is by participating in some of the groups or events that make up the Men’s Ministry.
Discipleship Groups
Men are invited to join discipleship groups that gather throughout the entire year.
Men’s Darts
Men’s Darts happens on the 1st, 3rd and 5th Mondays of the month. They meet at Gateway CRC.
Weekend Services
Our weekend services are weekly times to for men to engage in intergenerational worship, Biblical preaching and teaching, and relevant challenges to live out the gospel in everyday life.
Life Groups
New Life men make up an integral part of our Life Group ministry. All men are encouraged to be connected to a Life Group that encourages fellowship with other believers, roots itself in the study of Scripture, prays for the needs of it’s members, cares in the midst of life’s difficulty and celebrates in seasons of joy.
For more information about our Men’s ministry
please contact Shaun Jung.